
Published on April 3rd, 2014 | by Gaelle Finley



Birchfield Residents Action Group has entered Birchfield into Britain in Bloom 2014 and they need  help!

Livingstone Road Community Allotment Project is working to improve the local environment. They have already started doing litter picks and greening the neighbourhood and this year they want as many people as possible to join in.

Thanks to funding from the Big Local, they are launching their ‘Bloom in Birchfield’ campaign on Monday 21st April at the Allotment Pavilion building between 12-3pm.

There will be food, craft activities for families and they will be running a design-a-logo competition for the project. They will also have information about their own front garden competition in June and how to get involved. For example, you could join one of their work days to plant flowers in containers, spreading some lovely colour for everyone to enjoy.

The theme is ‘golden pollinators’, so you’ll be seeing lots of sunflowers and any type of flower that will help the bees do their work!

You will be seeing their newly designed Bloom in Birchfield logo appearing wherever they are active, especially in the streets around the allotments: Livingstone Rd, Havelock Rd, Calthorpe Rd, Wellington Rd, Leslie Rd, and Holy Trinity Primary School is also going to feature on the route.

But you can take part no matter where you live in Birchfield, just come along on the day to find out how, or contact them (see below).

Make Birchfield Bloom!

Contact: 07528 57534407528, 07528 575344

With thanks to Rob Hewitt


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