On Saturday 2nd July, residents of Antrobus Road and neighbouring streets mobilised again for their second action day in order to encourage their neighbours and local landlords to care for their environment – despite the rain. Local litter pickers turned up to pick up rubbish, and the bags were collected by the Council over the weekend.
The Fire Brigade was there to install free smoke detectors (carbon monoxyde detectors are available if you contact them), and the local Police joined the effort to ask residents about their concerns.
The ARRAG (Antrobus Road Residents’ Action Group) team also distributed information given to them, includingsetting up a local StreetWatch group.
One resident cooked delicious pakora, which was very appreciated by all the volunteers.
The residents were invited to join ARRAG at their next meeting, THIS COMING WEDNESDAY at ST ANDREWS COMMUNITY CENTRE (Grove Lane roundabout) at 7.30pm.The room will be open from 7pm. We’ll keep the room ventilated and be aware of social distancing. Please scroll down for Agenda.
ARRAG wish to thank all the volunteers who helped on the day. Let’s hope the next day of action (October 22nd) will be rain free!
On the following Monday July 4th, the combined work of teams from Street Cleansing, Waste Management, Waste Enforcement and Waste Prevention meant that the street and alleyways were wonderfully swept and cleaned, with fly-tipping/rubbish collected and graffiti removed.
“Well done everyone, it was amazing to see so many crews and department heads talking with each other and talking about all the plans together, with us being the catalyst and focus of all their work and knowledge of all the issues”, Chris Rishworth, Resident and ARRAG member.
A big thank you to Selena Ellis of ‘Love Your Streets’ for bringing together a range of Council services to support our street project ‘These Streets are Made for Walking’ , following the second action day on July 2nd. And a very big thank you to all the BCC staff for all the work done on Antrobus Road.
“Thanks again to you and your group – you are doing fantastic work advocating and campaigning for a better street to live on for all”, Selena Ellis, ‘Love Your Streets’.
ARRAG want to find a model of good practice that can work in one street – and can then be used elsewhere!
And thanks again to everyone who has been helping and supporting our activities on Saturday and Monday to keep the street and alleyways clean!
Contact Antrobus Road Residents’ Action Group (ARRAG) on or find ARRAG on Twitter @Antrobus21
AGENDA for 6th July ARRAG meeting at St Andrews:
- Welcome and introductions
- Apologies
- Minutes of last meeting
- Matters arising
- Police update
- Feedback/follow up from Saturday July 2nd
- Feedback/follow up from Monday July 4th
- Alleyway legacy update
- Future actions for project and beyond
- Other street issues not already covered
- Date of next meeting
Gaelle Finley and Naomi Paul