Handsworth Park Arts Trail 2017 – 2019 Open Call for Artists
Handsworth Creative CIC is a visual arts organisation based in Handsworth, Birmingham. It has been awarded a grant by Arts Council England (ACE) to develop a permanent arts trail in Handsworth Park over three years. This follows a successful temporary arts trail in 2015.
The Handsworth Park Arts Trail will lead to the creation of six pieces of public art over the course of three years.
Handsworth Creative is looking for an artist to produce one piece of artwork in 2018.
There is an indicative budget of between £6,000 and £9,500 for each artwork, painting or installation, to include all artist’s fees and materials. Artists will be expected to work with the local community in the final design and/or creation of the artwork.
The artists and artwork will be selected following an annual open commission and chosen by a selection panel that includes representatives from a regional Arts Organisation, Birmingham City Council, local residents who are members of Friends of Handsworth Park and a board member from Handsworth Creative.
The robustness, durability and suitability of the art work for installation in Handsworth Park will be critical in the selection of the artist and design.
The deadline for submission of an expression of interest is 5pm Wednesday 11th April 2018.
For the full Artist Brief please e-mail: